Tuesday 6 September 2016

How to Make Alcohol Rosemary and Eliminate Varicose Veins and Cellulite!

Cellulite is, unfortunately, a common issue, and women are more prone to it, with even 90 percent of those over 18 suffering from it.
It consists of cellular waste, fat, and water, and mostly appears on the hips and thighs. It creates numerous ripples ad bumps on the skin.
The most common causes of cellulite are fatty, processed, and fried foods and caffeine. Numerous natural health practitioners suggest that this issue can be treated in a simple and natural way, using healthy ingredients.
One of the most effective anti-cellulite remedies is rosemary alcohol. This incredible plant has numerous health benefits, and this remedy is very easy to prepare.  Rosemary grows in gardens, forests, and can be even grown in a pot at home, or buy it in the nearest pharmacy or health store.
The alcohol rosemary provides various benefits in the case of the following health problems:
  • Cellulite
  • Against colds and flu
  • Neck pain
  • Bumps and bruises
  • Circulatory problems, heaviness of legs, varicose veins
  • Prevents hair loss
  • Muscle aches, sprains, joint pain, lumbago, rheumatism
Here is how to prepare it:
You will need:
  • 1 sprig fresh rosemary, leaves and flowers, if possible
  • Alcohol (for wounds)
  • 1 glass container
You can use dried leaves and flowers but the effects won’t be the same.
If possible, get a whole plant and slice it n small pieces. Then, put them in the container and cover it with alcohol, (96°). Close and leave it for 15 days in a dark place. You can leave it thus up to 40 days, but 15 are enough as well.
Afterward, strain it and pour it into the glass container again and keep it in a dark place. You should apply this mixture externally on the legs and things before going to sleep, in order to act during the night.
Source: naturalhealingmagazine.net

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