Monday 2 October 2017


For a long time, only the tomato and the carrot has held the privilege of being turned into liquid. Now, many vegetables share this bottling, the juice of plants comes to the environment: beets, zucchini, spinach, cucumbers… often Combining several species, these mixtures say juicing born across the Atlantic have recently crossed the ocean. The vegetable-to-drink ready-to-eat are often stamped as “Good for health” or “detox”. Several brands (Yumi, Florette) align, now on the shelves in the supermarkets, not to mention those of the retailers (Monoprix, Stores U, Leclerc), all having launched their own products. Some recipes also contain persil, celery, cabbage… and also combine fruits, in order to better reach the consumer still reluctant to eat spinach liquid ! Caution with these new entrants, which should not make us forget the “real” vegetables, preferably fresh.


The main value of vegetables lies in their antioxidant activity (TAC), which is different for each plant. Analyses conducted on 23 products (juices of vegetables with or without fruit) showed that they contain significant amounts of polyphenols, including the beet juice (3.025 micrograms/ml). In addition, these antioxidant benefits are not lost during the digestion. The egyptian researchers have highlighted, in a juice consisting of tomatoes, watercress, persil, carrots, lettuce, beets and spinach, several constituents : lycopene, a pigment from the family of carotenoids, precursors of vitamin A, high dose (84,24 mg/100 g) ; vitamin C ; zinc, a trace mineral essential for the metabolism of proteins ; but of the manganese, which is involved in cartilage formation as well as in the synthesis of cholesterol and scarring.


The vegetable juice also contain potassium (92,42 mg/100 g), which is essential to the acid-base balance of the body and for the proper functioning of nerves and muscles. “The intake of potassium is interesting, since we tend to not eat enough, as opposed to salt. However, an imbalance in sodium/potassium can tire the body and help to increase the blood pressure,” says Dr. Laurent Chevallier, nutritionist at the CHU of Montpellier.


In France, only one-third of the population consumes five servings of fruits and vegetables per day, while the new benchmarks for nutrition Program national nutrition health (PNNS) set by the national Agency of sanitary security of food (Anses) now advocate for eight servings. According to an american study, one or two cups (a cup is 250 ml) of juice a day would help to fill this gap. Playful, their consumption may also appeal to more young people.


125 ml of vegetable juice correspond, quantitatively, a serving of vegetables. However, the drink does not have the same effects as eating intact plant from which the juice. Because it contains almost more of fibres which are broken during the manufacturing process. While the vegetables are 2 to 4 g per 100 g, some juice does not display more than 0.5 to 0.9 g. Gold-various studies have shown that our contributions are still insufficient (less than 20 g per day when the Anses recommends 30 g). A deficiency is unfortunate, because the beneficial effects of fiber are well-known: these carbohydrates assimilated accelerate in effect on the intestinal transit, reduce blood sugar and provide a faster feeling of fullness. Not to mention the reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, cancers of the colon, rectum and breast.


In some recipes, especially those with carrots or beets, one finds 5 to 8 g of carbohydrate per 100 ml or one to two pieces of sugar! Caution also with some products involving vegetables and fruit, because they may be a step in the climbing sweet. In addition, the vegetable juice can include additions of salt, as observed by the report of Oqali made in 2009. And the famous cocktail of vegetable juice Original V8 of the brand Campbell’s displays 650 mg of sodium, 1.62 g of salt, 340 ml ! Recall that the maximum amount daily recommended by the world Health Organization (WHO) is 5 g or less of a teaspoon.


Focus the juice, “home-made” remains a good compromise. However, the retention must not exceed 24 hours, the risk of oxidation and fermentation. As to whether it is better to invest in a juicer or a juice extractor – two times more expensive -it is still difficult to decide on.
According to the magazine que choisir, the extractor loses the fiber. Thanks to a pressing slow, it would preserve, however, the better the integrity of the vitamins and nutrients, instead of the centrifuge which, by producing heat, which would destroy in part. The extractor would also have 100 % of vitamin C, where the centrifuge reveals 79 %. Their performance, however, are identical for the vitamin K (30 %) and B9 (50 %). The only point on which the centrifuge prevails : it renders 57 % of beta-carotene compared to 28% for the extractor.
By Sylvie Boistard

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